Motion Work

“When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, ‘no, I went to films.’”

– Quentin Tarantino

I was 14 when I filmed my first videos. My cousin was doing rollerblading stints in these legendary parks around Moscow and I tagged along capturing his jumps and putting all that to some old-school hip hop. That was the beginning of a pretty slow-developing relationship I have with motion and making shot films.

In the past years, I’ve expanded on this a little, this page has some of the highlights of the clips I put together. Some are for my store – Asilda Store. Some are personal stories about things I love.

I will consider myself a filmmaker at some point, for now, I do love being the second camera on small production sets and doing BTS and b-roll footage capture.

Several years after I finished my Shapers photo series, I went back to Waterman’s Guild, the go-to place for glassing boards (one of the final steps after the board is shaped and needs to be covered with resin and sanded).

I only had my lunch break from work to capture these moments but loved every second of it. I moved from different areas and spent a bit of time with everyone who was putting their touches on various boards. This video is my motion love story with surf shaping.

It’s incredibly challenging to capture photos and videos on the same day with just your two hands. All of the days I give full priority to photography. But this one time I had a new gadget with me and couldn’t help but roam around in my short breaks to film some of the behind-the-scenes moments or rehearsals.

I do think that I will eventually put together a short film about my journey with ACB and photographing ballet through all these years. But you have to choose what you focus on, and my medium is stills for now.

Do you remember your first weeks in lockdown? When we all sat at home watching the numbers of total global deaths pass 1 million? When everything social became nonexistent and we all went into Zoom mode?

I decided to capture those weeks to have a little artifact of my time in quarantine. There was no script, I was just filming the daily life and at the end wrote the letter to go as voiceover. Enjoy.